Thursday, September 17, 2009

Our Letter to the Principal...

Dear Mr. Wilson,

My name is Brianna, and to voice our opinions to you, I also have Lacy, Kim, Tamaray, and Mandy. We would like to first say that we love the new changes, from the free zone in the cafeteria, to the breaks and hat days on Fridays. We know this is only a privilige that you can take away, just the same as you gave it to us. But we firmly believe, with out trying to jeopardize anything we have, we think that we could be abl eto us our phones at locker/bathroom breaks. also, during our breaks that we get for having a good attendence. It is just a privilige that we earned, on our own, but don't we have a say in how we get to use that time? Like I said, we do not want to jeopardize any of our priviliges we already reciee, but would just like to voice our opion to you, and you to consider our ideas. Thank you for your time!

Brianna, Lacy, Kim, Tamaray, and Mandy

1 comment:

  1. Set your letter up in separate paragraphs. What is the solution you're wanting to leave him with?
